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The Unlisted 10 Bar Queensland Railway Numerals. Just how many are there?
What's a 10 bar Queensland Railway Numeral I hear you say! Each post office in Queensland was issued a number and a numeral canceller to cancel the stamps with. These had 9 bars, the railway was issued with numeral cancellers similar to the post office but these had 10 bars. All postage stamps were supposed to have been cancelled with the 9 bar and the 10 bar was for cancelling the railway parcel stamps, as the two were so similar confusion reined and they were easily mixed up. Maker of the Railway Cancellers is unknown. ----
Railway 10 Bar. Number 37 [31mm x 21mm] ----
Railway 10 Bar. Number 455 [29mm x 20mm] ----
Railway 10 Bar. Number 431 [31mm x 24mm] ----
Post Office 9 Bar. Number 350 [28mm x 22mm] ---- If you can add to this listing please send a scan to Dave
"Queensland Postal History" 1990 H. M. Campbell. Mr. Campbell writes: On 6 January 1902 100 x 10 bar numeral cancellers were to be supplied to certain railway stations. These 100 stations are listed at the bottom of this page. It is the additional unlisted 97 x 10 bar numerals that were issued on 6 January 1902 and further additions that I am addressing here. Listed below are 10 bar numeral cancels that are not on Campbell's published list of 100. Also listed with them are additional numerals which are not on the 1902 list of 197. All are on Queensland State stamps except three, which are found on the one penny kangaroo, and two which are tied to TPO cancels. | |||
Station numeral & Name 37 Hillside 46 Grandchester 114 Fernvale 165 Oakwood 172 Dalysford 256 Kamo 310 Barcaldine 313 Vince 333 Isis Junction 419 Kowguran 425 Pimpama 426 Ormeau 430 Goowarra 431 Ernest Junction 438 Green Hills 442 Langley 448 Durundur 449 Minerva 450 Royston 452 Normanton 460 Thinoomba 461 Brooweena 462 Auchenflower 464 Bridges 465 Molendinar 468 Anthony 469 Buranda 471 Morningside 472 Murarrie 474 Wynnum 475 Manly 477 Birkdale 478 Wellington Point 479 Ormiston 480 Cleveland 481 Winya 482 Hunter’s Hut 483 Geera 485 Saltern 486 Raby Bay 488 Beerburrum 489 Landsborough 490 Mundubbera 491 Beerwah 492 Bowen 493 Euri Creek 495 Guthalungra 496 Doolbi 498 Mount Luke 499 Kulgun 501 Amamoor 502 Yandina 510 Biggenden 511 Kandanga 512 Cooroy 513 Ilfracombe 515 Kuranda 516 Myola 518 North Arm 519 Coowonga 522 Gloucester Street 523 Thalanga 526 Longreach 527 Jackson 530 Avondale 531 Rosedale 534 Willowburn 536 Biboohra 537 Meadowvale 539 Yandaran 540 Mullet Creek 541 Toolooa 543 Imbil 544 Degilbo 546 Vulture Street 547 Westbourne 548 Lindum 549 Barron Falls 551 Selma 552 Merinda 554 Brooloo 555 Aramara 556 Pomona 557 Huxley 565 Dutton Park 567 King's Siding 569 Baker's Creek 573 Whinstains 578 Lagoon Pocket 580 Mangalore 581 Murweh 582 Lawes 584 Bororen 585 Lowmead 586 Berajondo 588 Watten 595 Park Avenue 596 Nyanda 597 Enoggera 598 Newmarket 599 Windsor 600 Wilston 601 Alderley 603 Moongan 605 Corfield 608 Coongoola 611 Townsville-Innisfail 612 Benaraby 614 Ayr 615 Alligator Creek 617 Hodel 618 Lochinvar 621 Mungana 622 Almaden 623 Nanyima 624 Ginburra 630 Oakey Show Grounds 631 Queens Road 632 Lakeside 633 Colosseum 647 Wondai 656 Sunshine |
Railway line Fassifern Main Line Brisbane Valley Mount Perry Mount Perry North Coast Central Mackay North Coast Wandoan South Coast South Coast Central South Coast Millmerran Central Kilcoy Springsure Woodford-Kilcoy Normanton Gayndah Gayndah Main line North Coast South Coast Fassifern Cleveland Cleveland Cleveland Cleveland Cleveland Cleveland Cleveland Cleveland Cleveland Kilcoy Gayndah Central Central Cleveland North Coast North Coast North Coast North Coast North Coast North Coast North Coast Isis Crow's Nest Fassifern Mary Vally North Coast North Coast Mary Valley Mary Valley Central Cairns Cairns North Coast Emu Park South Coast Great Northern Central Western North Coast North Coast Southern Cairns North Coast North Coast North Coast North Coast Mary River Gayndah South Coast Central Cleveland Cairns Central North Coast Mary River Gayndah North Coast Isis South Coast Western North Coast Pinkenba Mary Valley Western Western Main Line North Coast North Coast North Coast Winton North Coast North Coast? Enoggera Enoggera Enoggera Enoggera Enoggera Mount Morgan Winton Western Great Northern North Coast North Coast Ayr North Coast North Coast Cairns Etheridge Netherdale Mount Cuthbert Western Great Northern Gayndah North Coast Nanango North Coast |
Meaning of Name Name self explanatory Bigge's Camp. latin Grand=Big. Chester=Camp Valley of Ferns Oak trees in locality Mr. E. Daly, one-time Station-master Water Town in Scotland. Gaelic name of a bush After a pioneer Junction for Isis Branch Laughing jackass Swamp between two hills After resident named James Orr Hornet After Hon. E J Stevens Descriptive of locality After Mr. Lane who owned the land Name of cattle station A Greek goddess No local significance Name of township Ti Tree or Tounge Crab After resident Sir Thomas McIiwraith After Major W. T. Bridges After a place in Scotland After a local resident Name of electorate and school Name of district Plenty [or sweet] water [Winnam] Breadfruit Tree Name of seaside resort Vally of birches After headland of that name Hon. Lewis Hope's sugar plantation and mill Name of seaside resort Not known Called after a shepherd named Hunter So called after the country there After station or creek Name of inlet Parrot After an explorer After an explorer Up in the sky, also nulla Sir Geo. Bowen, 1st Governor Queensland Name of adjacent creek Name of adjacent creek Plum Tree Mountain in vacinity Road or track After adjacent creek Small place of water Small place of water After adjacent creek After adjacent creek After a town in England Small creek A coined word After adjacent arm of river Pigeon Name of city street Native name for locality After reach in adjacent river After Mr. J. W. W. Jackson Police Magistrate Name of adjacent station A picturesque valley between hills Willows in adjacent creek One of the native names of the Barron Falls Low and flat grass land Water running both ways After adjacent creek Tide water Scrub vine From "Dagilbo", big stone Name of city streey After a town in England After residence of Mr. Kelk After a Falls nearby After country or Aboriginal for Bulgulla [bush] Aboriginal for hair of the head Name of parish Name of creek The Goddess of Fruit After Huxley's Village Settlement Situated adjacent to park of that name - After settlement in district After the residence of Mr. A. B. Webster Original name of place After a town in India Big water hole After Sir John Lawes big mountain Low grass land A river through flat After small town in the North of Scotland Black soil? - Name of district Name of district Name of district. After Windsor, England Name of district Name of district top of the hill After member of Parliament After sheep station After Captain Robert Towns Name of adjacent station Name of Township. After town in Scotland Name of adjacent creek After Chairman of Tramway Board After cattle station in vicinity After adjacent creek After a mining town in Spain To play about copper ore Show grounds in vicinity Name of main road in vicinity Station is situated on a hillside of a lake Name of adjacent mountain Battle ground. Another dialect "back of neck" After agricultural implements factory |
Blue = Dave Elsmore [Queensland Australia] Collection.
Red added 22 April 2007 = David Hopper [Canada] Collection.
Green added 23 April 2007 = Carl Burnett [USA] Collection.
Black = Seen in auction or other
Below are the 100 x 10 bar numerals originally listed by Campbell and sent to stations 6 January 1902.
The only problem is there were 197 numerals to list as the second graphic shows.
It is now quite clear that Campbell only listed the Southern Railway numerals [above]
and forgot to turn the page to include the:
Central Railway, Mackay Railway, Bowen Railway, Townsville Railway,
Cairns Railway, Cooktown Railway and Normanton Railway [below].
The below list of numerals has not been included in "Queensland Postal History" 1990,
I therefore wish to do so here:
The further 97 numerals also issued on 6 January 1902
Below is of interest as it confirms official notice that the post office canceller was to be used to cancel parcel stamps.
© copyright 1997 on
All Graphics. Dave Elsmore
No part of this page may be copied used, saved in electronic form or hard printed.